Security Council
Issues and Reports
Faculty Mentor
Mr. Carlo Palusci
School Staff
Mr. Carlo Palusci has been an Individuals and Societies teacher for 9 years in UNIS, but his connection with MUN started long before he arrived in a United Nations School. Starting with activity clubs in New York, he gained interest in MUN in Italy, began actively involving in mentoring in Istanbul, Zurich, and finally became a MUN organizer here in Hanoi.
He believes MUN is a valuable experience for students to acquire useful skills, such as researching and engaging in diplomacy. The considerably new and current issues dealt in conferences allow students to learn how to penetrate the sources to gain logical and credible information, especially in a world where fake news becomes embraced by leaders or large communities. Mr. Palusci asserts that students must understand the position they take and become a representative of a country to negotiate and find a commonality with others in order to resolve issues. Empathy is also a key factor he is looking forward for when students are debating so that delegates can understand others and protect their country at the same time. He recommends delegates to “be more emersed in a global understanding of differences as an UNIS school.”
Mr. Palusci was particularly attached to the issues assigned to the Security Council due to his experience in Turkey with the Kurdistan. His personal relationship with the group helped him realize how serious and desperate the situation Kurds were in. He believes all three countries have a strong link, considering the existence of an excluded member and denial of a culture. Although there may be conflicts and issues, “no matter what the difference is, continue all times to negotiate.”
Head Chair
Seoyeon Lee
Grade 11
Greetings directors, student officers, and delegates.
I am Seoyeon Lee, a junior at UNIS Hanoi International School. I am truly honored to have the opportunity to participate in this year's conference as the president of the security council. This is my fourth year engaging in MUN, and my second time charing. From my last charing experience, I have been able to understand the needs of being a responsible chair, especially how I must keep the flow of the fruitful debate. To the best of my ability, I will try my best to provide guidance and support for anyone who is struggling. During our upcoming March conference, I look forward to an enjoyable yet formal committee, and by the end of our last day, I hope everyone has had a valuable experience through passionately debating on issues that are under the concern of people around the world.
Deputy Chair
Minh Phong (Francis) Pham
Grade -
Greetings, esteemed delegates, and a warm welcome to this year’s UNISMUN. My name is Phong Pham (I go by Francis), and it is my highest honor to be your Deputy President of the Security Council this year. This will be my ninth MUN conference overall and the third one I will be chairing.
I applaud you for your decision to take on the Security Council, arguably the toughest committee in any MUN conference. Indeed, all three issues on our agenda this year are of the paramount importance to global peace. As such, I encourage you all to put the utmost effort into researching and presenting solutions to them, while also keeping an open mind for cooperation and international partnership. Should you run into any issues prior to or during the conference, please do reach out to myself or our President, and we will do everything in our power to assist you.
I look forward to working with you all.