Security Council
Issues and Reports
Chair Mentor
Ms. Arnold
MYP I&S & DP Psychology Teacher
As the Procedural Chair of the UNISMUN 2025 Security Council, I had the opportunity to have a meeting with our mentor, Ms.Julie Arnold, the current MYP I&S and the DP Psychology teacher. In the meeting, I asked her several questions about the topic we will discuss in the Security Council, and about the advice she is capable of providing us.
First, I asked her about her experiences related to UNISMUN. However, she has mentioned that the interview that she is doing right now with me is her first time contributing to the MUN activities.
Next, I asked her about the topics that we will be discussing in our Security Council meetings, which include the Myanmar Tatmadaw conflict, integrity concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program, and the Cameroon Anglophone Crisis. She has responded that she believes that for all resolutions, integrity and basic human rights should be set as a basic requirement for all people, despite the controversies nations may have. For instance, she thought the 2nd topic, Addressing Iran’s possession of Nuclear weapons, could make much more progress than now if delegates implicate understanding for each other. However, she said that she is not currently aware of the Main theme, and she said she can come back to me after further personal research.
Last, I asked her for some advice she could give us, to which she replied: “In-depth research”, which isn’t only about the matter of fact, but also about the key stakeholders. “If you dive in deeper to the individuals who hold the power in a certain topic, you will be able to have much detailed understanding about the General situation, especially in MUN, as a chair has to be well aware of different stances, which can be enhanced by recognizing the stakeholders.
Thank you Ms.Arnold for help!
Head Chair
Yunji (Emma) Lee
Grade 11
Greetings honorable delegates, chair, and guests!
My name is Emma Lee, and I am a junior from St. Paul American School Hanoi. Starting from the 9th grade, this is my third year being a part of the MUN program as the President of the General Assembly, and I am very excited honored to serve as the head chair of the Security Council in the 2025 UNIS March MUN.
The theme of this conference, “What role can integrity play in the balance between development and security prioritization?,” is very crucial in understanding the international issues and relations. Recognizing several countries extremely prioritizing either development or national security that often results in extreme protectionism, the role of integrity is to encourage nations to deeply adhere to the prioritization of their citizens’ safety and to ensure international peacekeeping efforts.
Consisted of 15 members with 5 permanent members with veto power—United States, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom—and 10 rotating non-permanent members, the United Nations Security Council is mainly responsible for maintaining international peace and security including addressing threats to peace, such as conflicts, humanitarian crises, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. I am particularly drawn to the intricacies of international diplomacy and the balance of power in conflict resolution, which the UNSC embodies through its procedures such as veto power and P5 caucuses.
In the Security Council, we are going to debate on three topics: Addressing the Myanmar Tatmadaw conflict, Addressing integrity concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program, and Addressing the Cameroon Anglophone Crisis. Resolving problems of military government including Myanmar and problems of Cameroon war are pivotal to ensure innocent citizens’ human rights and safety. Additionally, as a South Korea citizen who is potentially exposed to the risk of the potential nuclear weapon of the DPRK, I am very eager to debate on Iran’s nuclear program, which does not release any access of information to other member nations, hoping that it would be a precursor of the solutions to nuclear weaponry problems including North Korea.
I sincerely hope you have fun during the conference. Thank you, and see you there!
Deputy Chair
Annabelle Ray
Grade 10
Greeting distinguished Delegates, fellow chairs and esteemed guests
My name is Annabelle (Belle) Ray and I’m a sophomore attending The International School of Phnom Penh. I’m very excited and honoured to say I will be serving as your deputy chair in this year's UNIS MUN conference! With this being my eighth conference I can say I have witnessed many fruitful debates and I’m sure this conference will be no different, especially in a committee like the Security Council, where many experienced delegates debate on extremely serious issues in our current world.
This year's theme “What role can integrity play in the balance between development and security prioritisation?”; speaks of great importance due to the current state of the world and the lack of trust and diplomacy between member states which is key in order to build relations and connect with each other internationally and globally in our modern day as in order to do so member states must remain principled and honest.. Additionally, this also plays a major factor within nations themselves when dealing with the question of corruption which is present in many of the governments in areas like South East Asia and the Middle East.
The Security Council is one of the most renowned and important committees in the UN with it being responsible for generally maintaining international peace and security among all. It is also seen as very unique compared to the other committees as it has the ability to make decisions which member states must implement by any means.
The three topics which will be discussed in SC this year are, Addressing the Myanmar Tatmadaw conflict, Addressing integrity concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program, and Addressing the Cameroon Anglophone Crisis. These three issues are crucial to address and solve in order to push towards a better future. This is because all three countries involved in these topics have undergone massive change in recent years with millions of innocent civilians becoming victims of these issues which must be solved.
Overall, I hope to make this MUN as memorable and enjoyable as possible for all in the Security Council and I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and having an extremely fruitful debate! Please don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance before or during the conference. Thank you!
Procedural Chair
Joonhoo Bae
Grade 9
Honorable directors, distinguished delegates, fellow chairs, and esteemed guests.
Welcome to UNISMUN 2025! I am Joonhoo Bae, a newcomer to this conference. This will be my 6th conference and 4th as a chair. I will be responsible for the procedural chair of the Security Council, via my experiences as a chair to provide a memorable experience for all the participants of this year’s conference.
This year’s main theme will be: “What role can integrity play in balancing development and security prioritization?” This question is fundamental, as many countries nowadays go against the social norms for their own benefit, like North and South Korea, the country of mine.
SC refers to the Security Council, which we debate upon the ability to protect a certain country, either externally or internally to secure people’s lives over the border.
The Security Council will be debating upon these 3 topics :
Addressing the Myanmar Tatmadaw conflict, Addressing integrity concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program, and Addressing the Cameroon Anglophone Crisis. These 3 issues are the uprising Global Burdens, as these issues can determine Earth’s militarised future, with Iran and Myanmar being the strongest Middle Eastern countries with enough power even to start the next world war. Typically, the 2nd problem addresses Iran’s possession of nuclear weapons, which may cause problems if exposed to the global society. Iran is currently ranked as one of the strongest Middle East countries, and if they also possess nuclear weapons, they have the chance to optimize their force for further contradiction.
As a head of the Security council, I am looking forward to resolution and establishment of Global Integrity via fruitful cooperation. Looking forward to seeing you!