GA1: Disarmament and International Security


Issues and Reports


Head Chair

Ga Young Choi

Grade 11

Honourable directors, fellow delegates, and most esteemed guests, 


Hello, my name is Ga Young Choi, currently an 11th grader at the ABC International School. I’ve been involved with the MUN community for 3 years and throughout the 15+ conferences I have participated in, I have learned many valuable skills relating to organisation and public-speaking. I am honoured to serve as your Head Chair in the upcoming conference, and I hope all delegates can prosper from this great opportunity. 


In the GA1 Committee, we’ll focus on the question of regulating cyber operations, cyber warfare, and autonomous weapons. The ubiquitous use of technologies promotes innovation as well as the source of cyberthreats, which have long affected us. Due to the unpredictability of cyberthreats, a situation that may have first appeared to be a case of cybercrime may rapidly escalate into a more dangerous situation and reach the threshold of national security and cyberwarfare.  


The next issue we will be focusing on will be the question of disarmament of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. Multilateral disarmament has been essential to the UN’s efforts to uphold international peace and security ever since the organisation’s founding. The UN has given the highest priority to strengthening the prohibition of these weapons- all of which pose direct threats to humankind. 


I believe that with the fruitful mindsets of delegates, we, as global citizens, will be able to create  

constructive resolutions and tackle these deeply concerning issues. 


I would like to encourage you to challenge yourselves to the best of your abilities, and regardless of your experience, to actively participate in debates.


I am looking forward to seeing you all in November.


Deputy Chair

Se In Lee

Grade 10

Greetings to the honorable directors, chairs, delegates, and esteemed guests.

My name is Se In Lee and am currently a sophomore at United Nations International School in Hanoi. I am very pleased to participate in the 2022 November conference as a Deputy Chair of GA1: Disarmament and International Security. Although it has almost been 3 years of being part of UNISMUN, this is my very first experience participating in a conference as a chair. I am very delighted to have this new opportunity and experience! 

The theme of the November conference is: “Are we capable of finding sustainable solutions to our current sources of insecurity?”. I think the theme closely aligns with the two topics of our committee which are: “Defining and regulating cyber operations, cyber warfare, and autonomous weapons” and “Disarmament of atomic/nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons”. The significance of these issues has been present in our society over the past decade. With the fast development of technology and the use of biological and chemical weapons, these issues have been interfering with global peace and security, but further threatening the safety and rights of individuals. However, the situation is not black and white. The approach to the issue is not the matter of whether they should be allowed or not, but the key is to answer the question of “To what extent…?”.  It is true that topics are a very delicate issue to handle and it would undoubtedly be a challenge to come to an agreement for all of the member states. However, I hope this conference would be an opportunity to fruitfully discuss these issues in a professional manner and possibly create sustainable solutions with the acknowledgment of the impact the resolution can bring. 

I strongly encourage all the delegates to have a deep dive into the issues and not only know the topic but understand the information in their position as a representative of their given member state. Moreover, I am thrilled to listen to all the delegates from different backgrounds and will try my best to give thoughtful guidance to make this conference an exciting experience for all of us. Thank you and see you soon!


Procedural Chair

Giang Chau Tran

Grade -

Greetings esteemed directors, delegates, student officers and administration staff, 


My name is Giang Tran and I am honoured to be your GA1 Procedural Chair for the November UNISMUN this year. I first joined MUN as it piqued my interest in discussing global issues from various perspectives; and after a year of experiencing different conferences, MUN, to me, has also grown to be about meeting and building great rapport with amazing fellow delegates, chairs. 


Our council will discuss the issue of disarmament of atomic, biological, and chemical weapons which has been perpetuated since the First World War and aggravated after the Cold War. There have not been notable historical successes regarding the disarmament policy, and various attempts even prompted further conflicts, illustrated in German’s retaliation after the Allies’ disarmament treaty. Another topic that delegates are to tackle is cyber warfare - the corollary of today’s incessant digital transformation. The proliferation of cybercrime cost $6 trillion in 2021 with its attacks ranging from individual communication interfaces to critical infrastructure, compromising national security and safety.


It is vital to acknowledge that disparate circumstances of each nation call for a holistic and comprehensive approach with a view to developing a desirable national and international framework. Additionally, delegates’ proposed directives should also be founded on the objectives of peace, stability and, specifically, security, which is the focal point of this year's theme. 


With that said, I hope all Delegates will strive to do their best in the upcoming conference. No matter how well you perform, joining an MUN will hopefully be an experience for you to look back on and an opportunity to learn from.