Reform Security Council


Issues and Reports


Head Chair

Hyunwoo (David) Lee

Grade 11

Honorable directors, fellow chairs, distinguished delegates, and most esteemed guests, 


My name is David Lee and I am a junior attending UNIS Hanoi. I have been at UNIS Hanoi for 8 years, and this is the 3rd year of my MUN journey. I have participated in three MUN conferences as a delegate and have chaired two: the 2022 March UNISMUN conference and DIMUN (Dulwich International Beijing) in February 2022. 


I am passionate about MUN, which is why I am also the Head of Delegate Training in the UNISMUN Leadership this year. With this position, I am able to spread my knowledge and passion to others in my community. 


The theme of this conference is “Are we capable of finding sustainable solutions to our current sources of insecurity?” In a world where we constantly face conflicts, it is critical to find sustainable resolutions both immediate and long-term. I find this theme very intriguing because we live in a generation where we must consider the consequences for the future generations. I am curious to see this theme be at the forefront of the delegates’ debates. 


The Reform Security Council is one of the most unique committees, only available at UNISMUN. Hence, I feel greatly honoured and privileged to represent such a committee as the Head Chair. The importance of this committee is that it addresses an often criticized point of the Security Council: representation. Due to the veto power (ability for P5 nations to veto a resolution), other member delegations of the Security Council often feel powerless or insignificant. To address this issue, the Reform Security Council recognizes the P9 nations, which includes China, France, Russia, UK, USA (the original P5 nations) as well as Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan. All these delegations in the committee have the opportunity to experience the special procedures such as the P5 veto powers and P9 discussion sessions. 


In the Reform Security Council, delegates will debate on the two security issues: “The issue of post-conflict Ukraine,” and “The issue of sustainable security for indigenous, minority, and vulnerable populations.” I am excited to hear what the delegates have to say about both of these issues. 


I feel thrilled for the first face-to-face conference in three years and I look forward to meeting all of you soon!


Deputy Chair

Chae Yeon Park

Grade 10

Greeting honorable directors, student officers, and delegates. I am Chae Yeon Park, a sophomore at the United Nations international school. This is my first conference as a chair and I am honored to be a deputy chair of the Reform Security Council in the MUN November conference 2022. Even though I have less experience than other chairs, my enthusiasm and passion would never be behind. The reason why I participated in the MUN conference is to tackle complicated international issues from different countries’ perspectives and to improve my general knowledge of global conflicts. 


The Reform security council has a vital role as it discusses the potential solution for the maintenance of world peace, the ultimate goal of the United Nations.


In the 2022 November UNISMUN Conference, the Reform Security Council will discuss the issue of post-war effects on Ukraine and the issue of sustainable security for indigenous, minority, and vulnerable populations. 


To give a brief introduction to these topics, the reform security council will debate whether surrounding countries have the right to stop Ukraine from joining NATO and taking Ukraine’s natural resources illegally. 


Furthermore, for the issue of sustainable security for vulnerable populations, there are two completely different viewpoints as vulnerable populations face discrimination, poverty, and lack of education. On the other hand, it creates dependence on the government that would stop the further development of the indigenous population. 


I fully recognize the hardships and struggles of a delegate, but I am certain that this MUN conference will be a memorable experience. I look forward to working with you in the upcoming November. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via email (


Procedural Chair

Gloria Park

Grade 10

Honourable directors, fellow delegates, and most esteemed guests, welcome to UNIS MUN November 2022 conference. My name is Gloria Park, currently a 10th grade student at UNIS International School of Hanoi. I am delighted to attend this conference as the procedural chair of the Reform Security Council. I have attended two UNIS MUN conferences as a delegate and this is my first time to attend the conference as a chair. A positive MUN experience that has helped me to grow is my first MUN conference. I attended my first MUN conference as a delegate. Because it was my first MUN conference, I was very nervous to talk in front of other delegates. However, I met a wonderful head chair who tried to help me by giving me a chance to talk. She was very talented in relaxing the mood so all the delegates, chairs, and admins could enjoy the conference. After that conference, I decided to continue pursuing my passion into MUN and become a memorable and admired chair like her one day. 


In the 2022 November UNIS MUN conference, our committee deals with the issue of post-conflict Ukraine. There are serious issues of sustainable security for indigenous, minority, and vulnerable populations happening around the world after the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine. After the conflict, millions of citizens are unable to go back to their homes. Many people who are still in the nation are forced to live without access to food, water, healthcare, and other needs. 


I am looking forward to chairing the Reform Security Council and I am thrilled to guide and hear generative discussions and debates. See you all soon. Thank you.