General Assembly 2

Issues and Reports

Chair Mentor

Mr. Muhammad

UNIS Director of Technology

As the Deputy Chair of GA2, I have gotten the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Muhammad, the director of Technology, he is very passionate about AI and technology and how it is impacting different communities and wider perspectives like cities and countries. I have also had the opportunity to gain information about the use of technology in daily life such as communication, translation in foreign countries, ordering groceries, and getting transportation while also extending to being utilized in multilateral organizations as well. 

Through discussions on the committee topics, Mr. Muhammad has discussed how all topics has a certain level of impact on skills towards various combinations of communities and nations. Especially when talking about fair and equitable trade agreements, the topic significantly speaks between trade blocks or countries. Usually, when talking about corruption that could happen on a national basis and debt relief programs, Mr. Muhammad mentions that corruption happens on scales of different levels such as in organizations or at the national level. On the second point, Mr Muhammad discusses combating tax, which he mentioned that it again comes to the national level, as thoughts of implementing tax across borders are very unlikely. He has also concluded that all topics come with different levels of corruption and each will have a different response and solution to each. 

All these crucial factors connecting to the topics of GA2 have created lots of awareness and attention to him as he commends that in fair equitable trade agreements, almost all creating block/country seeks in looking for opportunities for their own gains and benefits and that these agreements are mainly based on give and take, with the question of what are you going to give me and what do you want from me? Depending on the variety of things, that usually in these global situations/global events that happen, the are often views in categories of social, economic, security, and political movements during the creation of fair trade agreements, which all eventually come to varying by scales and factors of impact. 

Several great suggestions from Mr. Muhammad to both chairs and delegates are to focus on the question of “what are your principles and values against what we are going evaluate on everything else that comes into these issues and topics” and specifically on “what is it that you are looking for or what is your goal”. If these questions are answered with clarity and formatted with easy understanding, reading through the report/research we do and when we extract information towards the debating and discussion procedures, it will solidify the purpose and the goals according to the topics and issues. The focus on high-quality research sources such as academics and recognizable new agencies enables fact-checking and credibility for citation to enhance knowledge and understanding of your report and research highly.

Thank you so much for your help, Mr. Muhammad!

Chair Mentor

Mr. Tebutts

UNIS Director of Finance and Operations

As the Deputy Chair of GA2, I have gotten the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Gareth, the director of Finance and Operations, he is very passionate about resolving ocean pollution, coral reef degrading, and plastics in the ocean, with his favorite past times spent under and on the water as most of his time is spent surfing scuba diving, and snorkeling as so does his family, as they witnessed the change of water quality and purity from the diving perspective, the amount of plastic he sees floating across the ocean and beaches, it is very hard to find a beach without evidence of plastic, with microplastic getting into fish and eventually us humans. 

When Mr. Gareth moved to Southeast Asia, air quality became one of Mr. Gareth’s passions to dive more into as he hopes to aid in resolving this issue. In both Thailand and Vietnam, he witnessed how bad the air quality gets, with him feeling helpless as the air affects the education of students and the ability to enjoy outdoor activities negatively. He hopes that these issues could be addressed to UN board members and heads of nations for further aiding in resolving the two significant issues impacting not just Vietnam and Thailand but also other countries with severe air pollution and ocean pollution.

Through discussions on the committee topics, Mr. Gareth has spoken that all three topics have significant importance, especially for the topic of promoting fair and equitable trade agreements as it is a very big issue and challenge. Economic-wise, unfortunately, several superpowers like the United States put embargoes and high export tariffs on countries less powerful. Mr.Gareth also mentions that it's shameful to witness that ultimately, capitalism is allowed to rule the world. A real point to focus on and dig into deeper according to Mr. Gareth is the question of “why should a country with a higher GDP be able to control import and export from countries that desperately need the support and free trading agreements to aid them from the internal and external crisis” when globally there is so much resources available. It is a shame to see how more powerful countries can control some of the smaller countries when all they need would only be the removal of barriers and embargoes.

Several great suggestions Mr. Gareth proposed were the need to get peer-reviewed published papers corresponding to the topics the committees covered and find what research already is published on these topics to build bases of data. Another, it would be necessary to consult on whether any published research aligns with the committee's emphases regarding the use of such in coming up with reports and resultant research points. He then, after referring to these studies, recommended that one should do an extensive verification to make sure the data cited is accurate and reliable, confirming that at least the confidence level of your facts is as high as that of the original data. One should be sure and confident about the facts presented in any debate procedure. Lastly, he recommended making use of available research and speakers; otherwise, trying to do all the research on your own may be too stressful.

Thank you so much for your help, Mr. Gareth!

Head Chair

Philip Cho

Grade 11

Greetings honorable delegates, fellow chairs, and esteemed guests,

I am Philip Cho, a junior at Seoul Foreign School, and it is an honor to serve as your head chair for the UNISMUN 2025 March conference. This is my fourth conference, and I look forward to fostering meaningful discussions and collaborating with all of you.

The theme of this conference is: “What role can integrity play in the balance between development and security prioritization?” This question is crucial for General Assembly 2 (GA2), given its focus on addressing economic and financial challenges. Integrity—through fairness, transparency, and ethical decision-making—is essential to bridging disparities among nations, people, and the environment. This makes this year’s theme central to our committee’s work.

As GA2, we will tackle three key issues: Promoting fair and equitable trade agreements, Combating tax evasion to ensure fair resource allocation, and Addressing corruption in debt relief programs.

Integrity will be critical in crafting viable and robust resolutions by understanding diverse challenges and upholding commitments.

I am particularly excited about our first agenda item: Promoting fair and equitable trade agreements. These agreements are vital for providing disadvantaged producers and nations with economic opportunities while ensuring transparency, fair wages, the elimination of forced labor, and environmental sustainability. Mechanisms such as fair pricing and certifications play a significant role in advancing these goals.

While fair & equitable trade agreements can reduce poverty, protect the environment, and uphold human rights, challenges such as higher consumer costs and market imbalances remain. Addressing these complexities requires thoughtful debate and collaboration.

I am eager to hear your perspectives and facilitate discussions to tackle these issues effectively. My fellow chairs and I are here to support you and answer any questions. I look forward to seeing you at the conference and working together to create impactful solutions.

Thank you,

Philip Cho

Deputy Chair

Wen-De (Ethan) Hsiao

Grade 10

Greetings honorable directors, fellow chairs, distinguished delegates, and most esteemed guests,

My name is Wen-De (Ethan) Hsiao, I am a sophomore at the United Nations International School of Hanoi. It is my greatest pleasure to be your Deputy Chair for the General Assembly 2 of the March 2025 Conference. This conference will be marked as my 3rd Conference in UNISMUN, while also being my first experience as a chair. I am very excited and looking forward to meeting everyone at the March 2025 Conference!

This year’s UNISMUN conference’s theme will be focusing on “What role can integrity play in the balance between development and security prioritization?”. This theme stood out to my eyes as the vital role of integrity motivates me as it plays a huge part in balancing development and security, these core roles that Integrity fosters aid in trust within communities, ensuring sustainable resources are being used, and the prevention of corruption. 

General Assembly 2, also known as GA2 and the Economic and Financial Committee is a committee that deals with issues regarding to economic growth, development such as macroeconomic policy questions; financing for development; sustainable development; globalization and interdependence; eradication of poverty; operational activities for development; agriculture development, food security, and nutrition; and information and communications technologies for development.

The three topics we will be covering as a committee are the Question of promoting fair and equitable trade agreements, the Question of combating Tax Evasion to Ensure Fair Resource Allocation, and the Question of combating corruption in Debt Relief Programs. All three issues address crucial issues faced regarding integrity and balances of the global economy and trade factors that significantly shape the global financial stability and my commitments/motivations into integrity.

The first topic covers deep context into the importance of fair trade agreements, which help balance global trade and benefit developing nations. The second topic dives into concerns of tax evasion, which drains the public purse and limits the equitable distribution of resources to basic services. Lastly, the last topic covers corruption that should be combated by relief programs, leading to funds being used more effectively for sustainable development and for those genuinely in need of help.

At this conference, I will be endeavoring to help every delegate in need, giving all kinds of guidance the delegates need, and ensuring all delegates have a firm understanding of the conference theme and committee topics. I wish all the best for everyone attending.

Thank you,

Wen-De (Ethan) Hsiao

Procedural Chair

Park Sohyeon

Grade 11

Greetings distinguished chairs, honorable guests and fellow delegates,

I am Park Sohyeon, and I am a junior at the Singapore International School Gamuda Gardens. I am highly delighted to serve as the Procedural Chair during the upcoming March UNISMUN conference. This conference will be my fourth time in UNISMUN and first time as chair. I am looking forward to meeting everyone at the conference. 

The topic of this conference in March 2025, “What role does integrity play in balancing development and security prioritization?” is highly significant to me. Integrity is vital for fostering trust and avoiding corruption, both of which are essential for worldwide stability. 

GA2, known as the Economic and Financial Committee, focuses on critical matters concerning the global economy. This committee is crucial in addressing policies associated with eliminating poverty, promoting sustainable development, and ensuring fair trade. 

In this conference, we will address three important subjects that correspond with our committee’s emphasis: the issue of fostering fair and just trade agreements, the issue of tackling tax evasion to guarantee equitable resource distribution, and the issue of fighting corruption in debt relief initiatives. 

The initial topic focuses on the necessity for trade agreements that advantage every party concerned, especially developing countries. Fair trade practices can aid in diminishing disparities in the global market, guaranteeing that resources are distributed fairly and that developing nations can prosper economically. 

The second subject examines approaches to tackle tax evasion, guaranteeing that governments possess the resources needed to deliver vital services and promote sustainable development efforts. Tackling this problem is essential for promoting an equitable allocation of resources that can benefit the entire society. 

The final subject centers on determining methods to improve transparency and accountability in debt relief initiatives, guaranteeing that resources are utilized efficiently to promote sustainable development and assist those truly in need. 

As previously mentioned, I anticipate meeting everyone and will utilize the best of my skills to assist and guide all delegates at the upcoming conference. I'll see you at the conference!

Thank you.