Issues and Reports
Committee Mentor
Ms. Chazara
School Staff
Ms. Chazara is a IBDP Economics and TOK teacher at UNIS Hanoi. During our meeting, we discussed different aspects of SDG 8’s topics, as well as Ms. Chazara’s MUN background and experiences.
We started off with SDG 8 as a whole—which is decent work and economic growth. As an economics teacher, Ms. Chazara was very passionate about this specific goal and highlighted her keen interest in the two topics being debated upon in our November conference. We related the issue of worker unions to her national country–France–which recently had multiple worker strikes back in March. She talked about how thousands of workers protest President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. I thought this was really interesting, especially coming from the perspective of not just a French citizen, but also an economics teacher.
This came up to the question of “Why did you take economics? What prompted you to take this as a profession?” In which Ms. Chazara replied “It always fascinated me. I had really good teachers when I was younger, and that sprouted my interest in economics and to pursue economics in the future.”
We also touched on Model United nations as an extracurricular activity. I asked if Ms. Chazara participated in any whilst she was younger, in which she replied “I never took part in MUN as a delegate, but as a mentor. I haven’t been a mentor in the past 5 years, but I was one in Boston at a Harvard MUN event, as well as one in New York City.”
Head CChair
Parami MacArthur
Grade 11
Honorable directors, distinguished delegates, and most esteemed guests,
My name is Parami MacArthur. I am currently a junior at the United Nations International School, and I will be your Head Chair for the SDG8 Council in this year’s UNISMUN November conference. This marks my 5th MUN conference, whilst being my 1st as chair.
In the upcoming UNISMUN November 2023 Conference , SDG 8 will be addressing two main areas to be debated upon: the issue of worker unions and the issue of capital flight. Worker unions are organizations formed by workers who join together and use their strength to have a voice in their workplace. In terms of capital flight, it is the widespread evacuation of financial resources and money from a country as a result of conditions like political or economic unrest, currency depreciation, or the implementation of capital controls.
The United Nations defines SDG 8 as “decent work and economic growth.” With the topics that will be tackled in this committee, it's my expectation that delegates will be capable of boosting nation-state's economic growth and productivity through collaboration, communication, and putting a strong emphasis on labor-intensive sectors to provide a satisfying outcome.
UNISMUN provides students to build confidence in their collaboration, research, public speaking and negotiation skills. These abilities can all be enhanced during the conference in a safe and structured environment.
I'm honored and delighted to be selected as your head chair for the expected conference, and I'm looking forward to a fruitful debate.
Deputy Chair
Seo Ho Chang
Grade 11
Greetings fellow chairs, distinguished delegates, and honorable guests,
I am Seo Ho Chang, a junior at the United Nations International School of Hanoi, and I will be serving you as the Deputy Chair for the SDG 8 Council.
The November UNISMUN Conference marks my 4th MUN conference and my first time as chair.
The theme of the November conference is “How do we ensure sustainability through multilateral cooperation?” As the world becomes more and more interconnected, nations become interdependent on each other, forcing them into situations where multilateral cooperation becomes a necessity.
The SDG 8 committee is a committee that focuses on the issues of decent work and economic growth. These may include worker conditions, worker unions, and sustainable development. As the majority of the world pursues capitalist ideology, the relationship between firms and workers is at high stake. In many places, workers are poorly treated, causing them to make certain decisions that may negatively impact the local, regional, and international economies. Thus, SDG 8 council allows a room for debate on enhancing worker conditions to benefit workers, firms, and local, regional, & international stakeholders.
The two topics that the SDG 8 committee will debate for the upcoming November conference are:
The issue of worker unions
The issue of human capital flight
With that being said, I strongly believe that this conference will be a great opportunity for all participants to grow their MUNing skills, critical thinking skills, and presentation skills by taking a deeper dive into the topics. Upon that, I wish any and all delegates and chairs to have a fruitful debate and meaningful memories!
Procedural Chair
Hai My Nguyen
Grade 10
Distinguished delegates, honorable chairs, esteemed directors and guests,
I am Hai My, a sophomore at Delta Global School and I am honored to be serving you as the Procedural Chair for the SDG 8 Council.
This conference marks my 4th time participating in a conference, the second time as chair.
This year’s theme, ‘How do we ensure sustainability through multilateral cooperation?’ emphasizes the significance of multilateral cooperation between nations, especially during the modern time with diverse political opinions resulting in conflicts arising quotidianly, for multilateral cooperation serves as a building block for global sustainable development and an essential factor in alleviating global tensions, and ensuring equal sharing of benefits.
In the upcoming UNIS MUN Conference in November, SDG 8 will be bringing to the table the topics regarding issues of worker unions and the issue of capital flight. Worker unions are associations of workers established for the purpose of securing financial security and benefit in terms of working conditions, payment, sustainable development whilst capital flight refers to the substantial movement of financial assets as the consequence of negative monetary policies such as currency depreciation, political or societal issues.
As defined by the United Nations to be “decent work and economic growth”, SDG 8 encourages the discussion of enhancing worker’s condition concerning the benefits of workers, firms, local, and international stakeholders to uphold the development of the economy with respect to both national and global levels.
UNIS MUN supports the building of confidence in their collaboration, research, public speaking and sharing of ideas as it provides a safe and structured space for ideas from delegates to be circulated freely and diversely.
With that being said, I would like to express my utmost delightment and gratitude to be serving you as the Procedural Chair for this conference and I’m looking forward to a fruitful debate.
Procedural Chair
Grade Level