UN Membership Council (UNMC)
Issues and Reports
Head Chair
Andy Choi
Grade 11
Greetings honourable chairs, distinguished delegates, and most esteemed guests.
It is my utmost pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the United Nations Membership Council (UNMC) as the head chair of the committee.
I am Andy Choi, a junior at the United Nations International School of Hanoi, and the current head of the president and chair training department at UNISMUN. This November conference marks my 10th official MUN participation, and I am fully committed to fostering a professional and fruitful environment for all delegates. MUN offers unique opportunities to amalgamate diplomatic, procedural, and debate skills in a practical setting, making it a highly rewarding experience for all those involved.
The UNMC holds an intriguing premise, unique only to UNISMUN. As a non-official UN body, the UNMC is an innovative and contemporary committee aiming to address rather idiosyncratic, yet paramount issues. Focusing on the membership status of contested regions within the UN, the council will debate on whether unofficial states, including the People’s Republic of Donetsk, the Tigray region, and the Rakhine state, are justified to add onto the current 193 UN member states. All three regions have complex histories that often garner controversies regarding their legitimacy. Pertaining to the overall theme of this conference, it is paramount that there are long-term sustainable solutions that can address the aforementioned issues and the prevalent inequalities.
The People’s Republic of Donetsk, in particular, was under great scrutiny recently following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Donetsk is a breakaway quasi-state that is currently annexed into Russian territory. Ever since the 2014 war in Donbas, the People’s Republic of Donetsk held secession referendums in an attempt to gain independence from Ukrainian territory.
The second issue concerns the Tigray region, the northernmost regional state in Ethiopia and the homeland of the Tigrayan people. Ever since 2020, there has been belligerent warfare between the local Tigray Defense Forces (TDF) and the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), partially as a result of the Tigrayans’ desire for independence.
The final issue regards the Rakhine state, a state located in Myanmar, predominantly populated by ethnic Rakhine people. Despite the state’s long history, the Rakhine state has been facing political repression, with an estimated 1.2 million citizens subsequently losing their voting rights.
With such engrossing and salient issues that affect millions, I look forward to fruitful debates and discussions from all delegates at the forthcoming conference with hopes of a propitious resolution that encapsulates the values of the UN.
Deputy Chair
Viktória Gyuricza
Grade 11
Honourable directors, chairs, distinguished delegates,
Welcome to the UN Membership Council. My name is Viktória Gyuricza, I am currently a junior at the United Nations International School of Hanoi and I am honoured to attend this conference as a part of the chair team. This upcoming November conference will mark my 3rd MUN conference and will be my first as a chair. I’m hoping to make your UNISMUN experience memorable, instructive and joyful, as you are extending your knowledge to one of the world’s most burning issues.
The UN Membership Council will assemble to debate on three issues, all of them addressing a state that is currently lacking permanent membership within the UN. Delegates will engage in a discourse through the lenses of their allocated countries and talk through the application to the UN from The People’s Republic of Donetsk, a Russian military occupied territory within Ukraine, which has declared independence from Ukraine and is recognised by Russia as a sovereign state.
The recognition of this state by the UN can drastically influence the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
Our second topic will be the application of the Rakhine State, the most western state of Myanmar. For this topic delegates will consider the current situation in Myanmar and the consequences which are bound to follow the recognition or the lack of that of the Rakhine State.
The last issue which the committee will debate on is the recognition of Tigray National Regional State in the territory of Ethiopia.
All three of the issues have unimaginable global consequences, making the debates of this council critical and unique to other committees.
I believe that with the tremendous diplomatic skills of the delegates, the committee will be able to assemble and engage in a constructive and enjoyable learning experience, while proposing resolutions to tackle the issues above.
Procedural Chair
Sunghyun Lee
Grade 10
Honourable directors, fellow delegates, and most esteemed guests,
Hello, my name is Sunghyun Lee. I'm in grade 10 at UNIS Hanoi. I have been involved in the MUN community for 1 year and I have done 2 conferences in total. I have learned lots of skills and techniques throughout these conferences. Even though I am not a great speaker and do not have great debate skills, I am really happy and honoured to participate in this glorious event and I hope all delegates enjoy this conference.
In the UN membership council, it includes 3 issues. Delegates will have a debate about whether the People’s Republic of Donetsk, the Tigray region, and the Rakhine state, should be included in the UN member states.
After the Russian Ukraine invasion, The People’s Republic of Donetsk is under recognition whether it is able to be included in the UN member states. The second issue will be the application of Rakhine State. Rakhine State has been working hard for independence from Ethiopia. The last issue we will be discussing in our committee is the application of Rakhine state.
All of these applications will cause a great effect and consequences and delegates will be having a fateful debate about these topics. I am really looking forward to this debate and I hope all delegates have a wonderful time in our committee.